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Confidential Resources

Confidential help is available, for you or someone you know.

On-Campus Confidential Resources for Students

Student Counseling Center
The Student Counseling Center provides confidential and free support to Caltech undergraduate and graduate students. The Counseling Center can be reached at 626-395-8331.

On-Campus Confidential Resources for Staff, Postdocs, Faculty, Their Families and Domestic Partners

Staff and Faculty Consultation Center
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, violence, misconduct, or a rape of any kind, support is available 24 hours a day for students, post-docs, faculty,, and staff. The Staff and Faculty Consultation Center (SFCC) is available to support and advocate for anyone who is dealing with—or who has experienced—violence or harassment. SFCC provides professional, confidential consultation and are licensed mental health professionals. They can be reached at 626-395-8360 or

Off-Campus Confidential Resources

The Rape Treatment Center at Santa Monica - UCLA Medical Center is a free, confidential center that offers support and advocacy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is available to all students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty and staff members—or to anyone in the Los Angeles area. Available services include emergency medical care, counseling, and help understanding legal options. You DO NOT have to give your name when calling. There is no cost to use their services. Transportation can be provided. The center is located at 1250 16th St. Santa Monica, CA 90404. They can be reached at 310-319-4000 or Over Violence (POV) is a sexual and domestic violence, stalking, and violence prevention center. POV will provide confidential emergency services, advocacy, and support free of charge. The confidential POV rape and battery hotline is 626-793-3385. For more information visit

After Hours Emergency Support Around Sexual Harassment and/or Sexual Violence

Currently, if you experience sexual violence, non-sexual violence, or any stigmatized crime after-hours (5:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m.), you have several options:

  • Page the on-call psychologist via Campus Security: (626) 395-4701
  • Contact the on-call clinician from Student Wellness Services at (626) 395-8331; press "2" to be connected to after-hours support, whenever the office is closed. There may be a brief hold while you are transferred to a clinician; please stay on the line. The on-call clinician can provide support, coordinate options regarding access to an advocate or forensic exams, as well as discuss options for reporting an assault to the Institute.
  • Report the incident to off-campus resources:

    SAN GABRIEL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER SEXUAL ASSAULT RESPONSE TEAM CENTER for forensic evidence (the "rape kit"): (877) 209-3049 / 438 W. Las Tunas Drive, San Gabriel, CA
    PEACE OVER VIOLENCE for advocacy, support, and 24-hour crisis hotline: (626) 793-3385 (West San Gabriel Valley) 
    RAPE TREATMENT CENTER AT SANTA MONICA-UCLA MEDICAL CENTER for forensic evidence, advocacy, support, and 24-hour hotline: (310) 319-4000